Unit owner can now book appointment slot according to their available date and time. There are three type of appointment which is handover, joint inspection, and rectification. For each type of appointment, only one session is allowed. Appointment will be available again after previous appointment is cancel.
1. Click option “Make Appointment” at the homepage.Select “Yes” at confirmation alert “Confirm to make handover appointment?”
2. Select preferred date and click “Next 3.Select preferred time and click “Next”
4. Tick check box “Representative Attending” if you have any. (You may skip this step if you don’t have any representative and proceed to step no 7
5. Click option “Other” at list of representative
6. Fill in the detail such as Name, NRIC/Passport , Email, Contact No and click “Confirm”
7. Tick checkbox “I accept the above terms & conditions” and click “Confirm”.Pop up alert “Appointment is successfully made”.Clicking “OK” will bring user to list of appointment page
8. Clicking Confirm will display list of appointment in calendar view.Click “Listing” icon at the bottom right to switch to list view
9. Click again Listing icon at the bottom view to switch back to the calendar view.